CRM and Workflow

Optimization Service

CRM and Workflow Optimization Services

“Podio Rocket” Optimized Podio Setup

Our Optimized Podio Setup provides a vetted and tested workspace designed to keep track of all leads, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks. This setup includes seamless follow-up processes, tracking offers, appointments, and transactions across several apps. Clients can opt for a one-time integration cost to connect Call Rail with Podio and can also pay extra to apply drip campaigns for automated follow-up. Our in-house integrator is available to add more features, including contract preparation within Podio. Additionally, we offer a service to create a website with a webform that integrates directly with your Podio system.

Key Features:

  • Optimized Workspace: A comprehensive setup to manage leads, offers, appointments, and transactions.
  • Seamless Integration: Optional Call Rail integration for enhanced functionality.
  • Automated Follow-Up: Drip campaign capabilities to ensure continuous engagement.
  • Customizable Features: Additional features available through our in-house integrator.
  • Website Integration Service: Creation of a website with a webform that integrates with Podio.


  • Improved Lead Management: Keep track of all leads with an organized and efficient system.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Streamline your workflow for better efficiency and results.
  • Automated Processes: Save time with automated follow-up and engagement.
  • Customizable Options: Tailor the CRM setup to fit your specific business needs.

Our “Podio Rocket” Optimized Podio Setup is designed to enhance your lead management and workflow processes, providing you with the tools needed to drive your real estate investments forward.